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Patent Application Basics – types of applications
This article is an introduction into some of the basics on the type of applications one needs to consider before applying for a patent. The types of patents are Utility Patents, Design Patents, or Plant Patents, while applications take a wider variety of forms depending on your goals. These include Provisional vs. Non-Provisional applications, along […]
Patent Basics – Patentability
This article is an introduction to some of the characteristics that determine whether a patent application may result in a successful patent, that is to say whether the application has “patentability”. Patentability requires that the claimed invention (1) is patent eligible, (2) is useful, (3) has not been anticipated by prior art, (4) is not […]
What Is A Patent?
What is a Patent An inventor may obtain a patent by applying for one with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A patent operates as a property right for the inventor, similar to how owning land lets you prevent other from entering it, a patent gives the owner the ability to exclude […]
New USPTO Leadership
With presidentially appointed positions, the leadership of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) traditionally sees a shake-up with each new administration. The transition will be no different with the Biden Administration. Former Director Andrei Iancu has left the USPTO after being appointed Director in 2017 by President Trump. In his place, Drew Hirshfeld […]
The Fate of Intellectual Property Under Trump
Through protecting his brand and rights of publicity, Trump has accumulated more experience with IP than any other president. He owns more than 100 trademarks and has not shied from enforcing them. He’s also expressed concern about theft of trade secrets by China, referencing a study by the ITC that claims putting a stop to […]