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United Arab Emirates’ Trademark System

The United Arab Emirates Trademark Office

The Trade Mark Section of the Ministry of Economy oversees the trademark registration process in the United Arab Emirates.  The trademark system is controlled by Federal Trademark Law No. 8 of 2002.  Under the Federal Trademark Law No. 8, marks that are distinctive and can be represented graphically are able to be registered.  However, trademarks cannot be registered for classes concerning alcoholic beverages.

Obtaining a Trademark in the United Arab Emirates

It takes approximately 12 to 15 months to obtain a trademark registration in the United Arab Emirates.  The examination of each application includes an evaluation of distinctiveness and a search for potential conflicts with prior registrations.  Once the office concludes its examination procedure, all marks must be published in the Trademark Bulletin and two daily newspapers.  The public is able to oppose the registration of a mark based on the publications.  Once registration is complete, trademarks remain valid for ten years and can be subsequently renewed for like terms.


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