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Chad’s Patent System

Chad’s Patent Office

The Republic of Chad is a member of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), which is a conglomeration of African countries that share a uniform intellectual property system.  The OAPI has sixteen member countries, which all apply the same intellectual property laws in their local courts.

Obtaining a Patent in Chad

All patents recognized in OAPI member countries must be issued by the OAPI Patent Office located in Cameroon.  The OAPI Patent Office reviews applications for patentability and then either rejects the application or grants a patent valid in all member countries.  Patents last for an initial ten years from the filing date and can be extended for two five year periods after the initial ten years.  Chad and the OAPI are also members of the Paris Convention, which allows for claims of priority.

PCT National Stage in Chad

The OAPI can be designated on a PCT international application.  The national stage must be entered into within 30 months of the international priority date.

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