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Algeria’s Patent System

Algeria’s Patent Office

The Institut National Algerien de la Propriete Industrielle (INAPI) is the government agency responsible for managing the patent system in Algeria.  To be patented, inventions must be novel, they must have required an inventive step, and they must be useful in industry.

Obtaining a Patent in Algeria

Applications for patents should be submitted to INAPI.  In addition to all the necessary fees, patent applications must contain a description of the invention, including at least one claim, and an abstract description not exceeding fifteen lines.  The description should be provided in French with an Arabic translation.  If necessary, the application should also include any images or drawings.  Once issued, patents remain valid for twenty years, if all annual maintenance fees are timely paid.

PCT National Phase in Algeria

As a member of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Algeria recognizes international applications.  The national stage must be entered within 31 months of the priority date and the application must be provided in Arabic.

Recent Developments in Algeria’s Patent Law

INAPI does not currently conduct substantive technical analysis of patent applications.  Registered patents are therefore not guaranteed to be novel or even functional.  All disputes must be resolved through the court system.

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